How to get on podcast interviews


One of the most useful tools for publicity and marketing are interviews, and podcasts, in particular are one of the interview mediums that is useful because it provides the author a chance to interact with the host of the podcast, and sometimes listeners. Podcasts have evolved over the years from being radio interviews to now including Google plus hangouts with video. Typically you’ll find that the podcasts are focused on specific topics or interview experts about topics. I’ve hosted podcasts as well as being interviewed on them. You can do both, though it is a time investment in the case of hosting your own and scheduling people to be on the show. The focus of this article is how to get on podcast shows, so if you want to do that the following steps can be helpful in getting interviewed.

1. Know your niche. Podcasts focus on specific niches so you want to be interviewed by people who will be focused on your topic matter and in touch with your target audience. Knowing your niche will help you do some research on podcasts that might want to interview you.

2. Follow other authors. I make it a habit to follow other authors and see what shows they got on. I don’t know every podcast out there, but by following other authors, I’ve been able to find out about other podcasts I haven’t been on, but would like to be interviewed by.

3. Keep a database with contact information. It’s a good idea to keep a database of shows you’ve been on and/or would like to be on with the name of the host, contact information, website, and the last date you were on the air. You can then follow-up with shows you’ve been on and you have their contact information in one place.

4. When contacting a show be prepared. Depending on the show, you may be contacting the host directly or staff. When you contact the show, you’ll usually do it by email. Be polite and indicate interest in being on the show. Share your website and tell them why they should interview you. If they respond favorably, send them a pdf of your latest book and suggest questions the host could ask, if s/he wants question suggestions.

5. Be professional on the show. When you go onto the show, be professional. The host will usually be friendly, but don’t assume that. Answer questions and remember that how you say what you say can make as much of a story as what you say.

6. Share the show on your social media and blog. When the show airs, and after it airs, share it on your social media and blog. Help the host out to spread the word. Also make sure you put the podcast on your media page.

Following these steps will help you get onto podcasts, and help you get your name and books out to your target market.